
Вы всё по́няли? 1.5 Где? Здесь и́ли там?

Words of Location

Упражне́ние 1.

Look back at the scene in the airport and notice the following words and phrases. How well do you remember their meanings? Match each word below with its closest English equivalent.

Упражне́ние 2.

In this Quizlet activity are some of the signs you may see in an airport. Sound out words to find cognates. For this activity aim for recognizing cognates and understanding what you read, rather than on active mastery of all the words. Remember that you can switch to the Flashcard Study Mode to see and hear each word once by using the dropdown menu in the lower right-hand corner.

Упражне́ние 3.

Now that you are familiar with the airport signs, see if you can answer questions for fellow travelers. Use the map below to familiarize yourself with the layout of the airport, noting that your current location is marked by the red circle target. Once you are oriented, click on the audio files and chose the best response to each question.

Map 2

Упражне́ние 4.

Here are some words you are likely to see in a cafe. Remember that may choose to see each word individually using the Learn or Flashcard Study Modes if you prefer. Aim for recognizing cognates and understanding what you read, rather than on active mastery of all the words.

Map of Domodedovo airport courtesy of flightstats.com. Modification to map through use of ThingLink. Symbol signs courtesy of the American Association of Graphic Arts.